Children are great at imitating, especially their parents and their teachers. That's not always a good thing though.
… and what can be done about it!
The place for screens in the foreign language Classroom.
Many language learners are intimidated at the thought of speaking in a foreign language in front of their peers. One solution to that problem is to get all the students to speak at the same time.
The importance of pacing your child's learning.
Learning a foreign language is like building a house. If it is built well from the start, it will give you good service for a lifetime.
Why has English become such an important language? Is it somehow better than other languages?
What is the better form of pedagogy - personalized learning or adult-directed learning?
New entrants to primary school are having difficulties speaking in sentences. What is to be done?
It is commonly thought that the best time to learn a foreign language is when a child is very young. Some authors talk about a 'window of opportunity' for learning a foreign language. Is there any truth to this?
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